I would like to congratulate my private students who worked tirelessly and performed so well in the Cape Town Eisteddfod. Well done it is never easy standing up in front of an audience, no matter how old you are.
Lusia had a massive 2 weeks of stress as she participates in both the dance and Speech and Drama Eisteddfods. Due to this she had to present ALL 3 of her pieces on one day! This is and was rather stressful. She did exceptionally well and I believe had she had a more spaced out program she would have achieved Diploma in all 3!
Liso and Matthew, featured above, did so well, Diploma was awarded!

Eisteddfod Marking:
Pass: 60 – 69%
Merit: 70 – 74%
Merit plus: 75 – 79%
Honours; 80 – 84%
Honours plus: 85 – 89%
Diploma: 90 – 100%

So nobody achieved lower than 84% !!!!
Next term and parts of the 4th term we prepare for LAMDA examinations. This year I am also hoping to enter adults into the Public Speaking category…… any takers??